DIU Faculty Nizhum Rahman received Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2013-2014

Campus Event
National Apr 11, 2017 Hit: 3


IMG 5079

Mr. Nizhum Rahman, Lecturer, Department of General Education Development of Daffodil International University receiving Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2013-2014 from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Mr. Nizhum Rahman, Lecturer, Department of General Education Development of Daffodil International University received Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2013-2014 for his outstanding performance in B.Sc. results in 2013. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina handed over the Gold Medal and Certificate in a program held on March 22, 2017 at Gano Bhabon as the chief guest. Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid MP, was also present in the program. Professor Abdul Mannan, Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh presided over the program. 

University Grants Commission of Bangladesh has awarded Prime Minister Gold Medal Award 2013-2014 among 233 students who are top in their faculty among 34 universities. Finally, 56 students who are top in their universities got a chance to receive their medal from Prime Minister of Bangladesh.