DIU Faculty Masud Ibn Rahman conducted workshop at Universitas U'BUDIYAH Indonesia (UUI)

Campus Event
National Mar 05, 2016 Hit: 3

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Mr. Masud Ibn Rahman, Associate Professor of Business Administration Department of Daffodil International University conducting the workshop on "Social Business: Lessons from Bangladesh" as Keynote Speaker in Universitas U'BUDIYAH Indonesia held on March 01, 2016


Mr. Masud Ibn Rahman, Associate Professor of Business Administration department of Daffodil International University conducted a workshop on "Social Business: Lessons from Bangladesh" as Keynote Speaker in Universitas U'BUDIYAH Indonesia on 1 March 2016 at the UUI Campus. The session was inaugurated by Donny Arief Sumarto ST MT, Vice Rector III UUI with hundreds of participants from the faculty and students of UUI. Marniati Kes, Rector and Adjunct Professor of UUI was present as the chief guest at the closing session of the workshop and mentioned that the workshop is the part of the implementation of cooperation between the UUI and DIU. After the successful workshop UUI presented a ‘Letter of Appointment’ for the post of Visiting Professor to Masud Ibn Rahman for conducting such valuable seminar at Universitas U'BUDIYAH Indonesia.
In his presentation Masud Ibn Rahman highlighted that the concept of social business is actually not much different from the business in general. Traditional business aims at maximize the profit where social business is to address the social problems that exist in society. "Social business is also aiming for a profit, but the profit was not to be enjoyed by individuals. Profit was reinvested for the benefit of the community, so the social impact to the community is quite large, "said Masud, who currently serves as the Head of the Social Business Cell, Daffodil International University.

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Mr. Masud Ibn Rahman, Associate Professor of Business Administration Department of Daffodil International University receiving Letter of Appointment as `Visiting Professor' in Universitas U'BUDIYAH Indonesia

He also quoted from the social business pioneer and a Nobel Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh "Making money is happiness but make other people happy is super happiness". He mentioned about Prof Yunus's pioneering in the field of social business. Post the success of developing the Grameen Bank, a microfinance institution in Bangladesh now Prof Yunus is promoting social business around the world. Many countries have accepted his concept such as Latin America, Japan, Europe and Asia.

When answering questions from the students about the possibilities of developing social businesses in Aceh, Masud Ibn Rahman said it is possible. He mentioned that Aceh can use the power of social business to solve its social problems specially created by the massive tsunami in 2004. Small social business can be created by young minds to solve a particular social problem" said Masud Ibn Rahman who is also a member of the Human Rights Commission of Bangladesh in the field of child protection.
Some examples of successful social businesses models were discussed during the seminar like Shokti yogurt for poor. The Products Shakti yogurt is sold without branding and packaging that is different from similar products that are marketed commercially, making it affordable for poor people. This product is targeted to address the problem of malnutrition among children and young children in Bangladesh.