Diu Chairman Dr. Md. Sabur Khan in AUAP Leadership

Campus Event
National Nov 25, 2018 Hit: 5



Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees of Daffodil International University speaking among the journalists at the Meet the Press titled ‘Education and Educational Institutions in International Arena: Achievement and Responsibilities’ organized by Daffodil International University at PanPacific Sonargaon.

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees of Daffodil International University (DIU) elected 2nd Vice President for  (2019-2020) and as constitution of AUAP he will lead as 1st Vice President (2021-2022) and President (2023-2024) of Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP). The election was held on 19 November 2018 at Thailand. Achieving this position, Bangladeshi flag is now in global stage. According to AUAP constitution, firstly Dr. Khan will continue his duty as 2nd vice president for two years, then he promoted automatically on 1st vice president and after two years he will be the president of AUAP. That’s why forth coming 8 years Dr. Khan will lead this international organization.
This information was declared through a Meet the Press titled ‘Education and Educational Institutions in International Arena: Achievement and Responsibilities’ held today on 25 November 2018 at Surma Hall of Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon, Dhaka.
Presided over by Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, the program was addressed by Professor Dr. SM Mahbub Ul Haque Majumdar, Pro vice chancellor, Mr. Hamidul Haque Khan, Treasurer of DIU, Mr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, CEO of Daffodil Family. The program was conducted by Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director, Student Affairs, DIU.

A partial view of the Mee the Press
Addressing on the Meet the Press Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said, to help our students to be global players Bangladeshi universities need to move more and more into internationalization. The idea is to give our students international exposure through student exchanges, attending summer camps, doing internships abroad, doing joint research projects, finishing degrees abroad, e.g., 2+2 or 3+1 and also hiring international faculty members. Some universities in Bangladesh have already started such programs involving students internationally. Joint programs with universities in Europe, America and Australia, while very lucrative are beyond the financial reach of majority of our students. Increasing the scope of movement within the countries of the Asia Pacific region would allow many more students gain an overseas experience. Daffodil International University (DIU) invites all universities in Bangladesh to think about expanding such scope. DIU would like to support such an effort by the universities, he added.
hE also said, that Some universities in Bangladesh including DIU are members of the Association of Universities of the Asia Pacific (AUAP) – an international NGO holding the highest formal consultation rights with UNESCO. The primary purpose of AUAP is to be the voice of the universities in the Asia and Pacific region while promoting interaction and collaboration among the members. To date universities in Bangladesh were ordinary members. Now on November 19 th , 2018, the Chairman of Daffodil Family and DIU, Mr Md Sabur Khan has been elected as Second Vice President of the Executive Council for the next 8 year term. The flag of Bangladesh will now sit on the EC table where we will be able to vote on policies that promote movement within the Asia Pacific region for our students, he added. DIU is very pleased to be able to share this news and welcomes suggestions for policies of participation by other universities in Bangladesh. We would like to work together with all universities in Bangladesh for the betterment of our students.