DIU Celebrates 71 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Campus Event
National Jan 06, 2020 Hit: 5


Dr. SM MahbubUl Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor of DIU, Mr. SM Abul Kalam Azad, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defence, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Professor Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Associate Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, DIU along with others guests inaugurated the program of Human Rights Day and 71 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

To mark the Human Rights Day and 71 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Department of Law, Daffodil International University organized quiz competition, public speaking competition, photo competition and discussion session today on 10 December 2019 at 71 Milonayoton of the university. The whole program was divided into two part. The first part which called inaugural session was inaugurated by Mr. SM Abul Kalam Azad, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defence, People's Republic of Bangladesh. On the other hand, Barrister Amir Ul Islam, senior advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh was present at the second part as the guest speaker. Presided over by Prof. Dr. SM MahbubUl Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor of DIU, the program also addressed by Professor A. M. M. Hamidur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Professor Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Associate Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, DIU.

Dr. SM MahbubUl Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor of DIU, Mr. SM Abul Kalam Azad, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Defence, People's Republic of Bangladesh, Professor Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Associate Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, DIU along with others guests at the inaugural ceremony of Human Rights Day and 71 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

While addressing as the chief guest Mr. SM Abul Kalam Azad said that the main objective of human rights has been included into maximum country of the world. After then violation of human rights still going on. That is why we bound to observing the human rights day. Man can aware through this human rights day observation. He added. In the meantime he gave thanks to Daffodil University to arrange this program.
Addressing as the guest speaker Barrister Amir Ul Islam said, number of 30 lac people has sacrificed their life aiming to establishing the human rights. They liberated the country. Then they formed the constitution. Has human rights been established in all area? The answer is ‘no’. That is the reason, we have continuing the straggle to establishing human rights.


Barrister Amir Ul Islam, senior advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, Professor Dr. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Associate Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, DIU along with others guests at the closing ceremony of Human Rights Day and 71 Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Barrister Amir Ul Islam also said, there is chapter in our constitution which called the oath of people. But most of the people has no idea about it, even the student of law. In the meantime he read the oath sentence to the students.
At the last moment he distributed prize among the winner of quiz competition, public speaking competition, and photo competition.