DIU Alumnus and Faculty Member Amit Chakraborty achieves ‘BASIS National ICT Award 2018’

Campus Event
National Sep 09, 2018 Hit: 5

Mr. Amit Chakraborty Chhoton, DIU alumnus and Lecturer of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) of Daffodil International University receives 1st Runner Up award in BASIS National ICT Award 2018 from Begum Juena Aziz, Secretary of ICT Division in presence of Mr. Mustafa Jabbar, Minister of the Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and ICT and Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, State Minister of Information and Communication Technology Division


Mr. Amit Chakraborty Chhoton, DIU alumnus and  Lecturer of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) of Daffodil International University has achieved the 1st Runner Up award in BASIS National ICT Award 2018 in the category of Industrial (HC-I) Resources, Energy and Utilities using Artificial Intelligence and Embedded System.
Mr. Mustafa Jabbar, Minister of the Ministry of Post, Telecommunication and ICT and Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, State Minister of Information and Communication Technology Division was present as chief guest and special guest and handed over the award to Mr. Amit Chakraborty Chhoton on 6 September 2018 at the auditorium of Diploma Engineers Institute (IDEB) in the capital through a gorgeous program.  Mr. Shyam Sunder Sikder, Secretary of the Posts and Telecommunications Division and Begum Juena Aziz, Secretary of ICT Division were also present at the program.
After receiving the award Mr. Amit Chakraborty Chhoton expressing his reaction said that he feels proud to represent Daffodil International University achieving such a prestigious national level award. His project name was "Dual axis solar tracking system: A comprehensive Study for Bangladesh context" and that was his B. Sc final year project. Mr. Amit Chakraborty Chhoton also remarked that now he dreams is to implement this project and establish a startup. He also dreams that many of the young students working on that startup in future.