Department of Public Health organized a seminar on “Awareness on Chikungunya”

Campus Event
National Jul 31, 2017 Hit: 5


Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Vice-Chancellor (In-charge) addressing as the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony of the scientific seminar on ‘Awareness on Chikungunya


Department of Public Health under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS) of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a scientific seminar on ‘Awareness on Chikungunya’ on 29 July 2017 at 52 Milonayton, DT, Dhaka-1207. The keynote speaker of the seminar was Dr. Kazi Selim Anwar, Bio-Safety & Bio-Security Consultant of Institute of Epidemiology Disease Control and Research (IEDCR). The seminar was started with the inaugural speech of the Chief Guest Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Vice-Chancellor (In-charge), DIU. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail Mustafa, Dean, FAHS, DIU was the Special Guest of the seminar, while the session was chaired by Dr. Harun- Ar- Rashid, Professor, Department of Public Health, DIU.
Dr. Kazi Selim Anwar explained details regarding the sign-symptoms, transmission, management, preventive and control measures, prevailing awareness programs, and he also mentioned the epidemiological aspects of Chikungunya. Around 100 participants from students and faculty members of DIU, and other dignities from public and private organizations joined this seminar with successfully accomplishment of interactive question- answer session.
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Ismail Mustafa explored the duty of public health specialist with real life example in alleviating and controlling the viral epidemic diseases. Prof. Dr. Harun-Ar-Rashid summarized the seminar discussion, and he also underscored the importance of self-preventive measures of Chikungunya, and the session was ended with the vote of thanks by Dr. Md. Shahjahan, Associate Prof. & Head of the Department of Public Health, DIU.