Department of Public Health of DIU organized Seminar on “Tobacco Research Findings Dissemination & Scope and Opportunities of Public Health Education in Bangladesh” at University of Science & Technology, Chittagong (USTC)

Campus Event
National Aug 22, 2016 Hit: 3



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Prof Dr. Provat Chandra Barua, the Hon’ble Vice Chacellor of the University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC) addressing at the Seminar on Tobacco research findings dissemination and Scope & opportunity of MPH Study in Bangladesh jointly organized by University of Science and Technology, Chittagong (USTC)& Dept. Of Public Health, Daffodil International University, Dhaka at USTC on August 11, 2016.

The Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University organized a seminar on “Tobacco Research Findings Dissemination & Scope and Opportunities of Public Health Education in Bangladesh” at University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC) on August 11, 2016 to disseminate the findings of research project entitled “Use of smokeless tobacco by low socio-economic populations and risk factors associated with it” as well as to create awareness about the role of Public Health Education.
Dr. ABM Alauddin Chowdhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University was the keynote speaker of the seminar. The Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. P.C. Barua of USTC presided over the Seminar.
The Dean of Medicine Faculty Professor Dr. AMM Ehteshamul Hoque also addressed the seminar as Chief Guest, Professor Dr. Rafiqul Azad and Dr Pranoy Kumer Majumder, the Head of the Community Medicine Department also addressed the seminar as Special Guests. Dr Sarah Farahnaz, alumni of Public Health Department, DIU and Lecturer of USTC, Department of Community Medicine welcomed everybody. Mr. Mohd Arifuzzaman, Sr. Coordination Officer was the Moderator of the seminar. More than one hundred eighty 4th year, 5th year and Internee doctors and students of the University attended in the seminar.

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Keynote Speaker Dr. ABM Alauddin Chowdhury Assistant Professor, Dept. of Public Health along with Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. P.C. Barua of USTC, Chief Guest, the Dean of Medicine Faculty Prof Dr. AMM Ehteshamul Hoque, Special Guest, the Head of the Community Medicine Department Dr Pranoy Kumer Majumder and Students of USTC in a photo session.

The Hon’ble Vice Chacellor of USTC Prof Dr. Provat Chandra Barua in his speech requested the Faculty Members of Community Medicine to use these important findings in their ongoing tobacco related study. Speakers at the seminar underscored the need of higher Public Health education to improve the entire public health scenario and medical treatment of the country. Seminar speakers highlighted the importance of MPH program in DIU as this program is maintaining quality of education and inspires nurses to effectively deliver nursing services in community settings.