Daffodil International University Observed ‘World Telecommunication & Information Society Day-2018’

Campus Event
National May 17, 2018 Hit: 5



To mark the ‘World Telecommunication & Information Society Day-2018’ students of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) of Daffodil International University (DIU) brought out a rally at Dhanmondi area in the capital.

To mark the ‘World Telecommunication & Information Society Day-2018’ Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) of Daffodil International University (DIU) chalked out elaborate program including rally and seminar today on 17 May, 2018. Based on the theme of this year’s ‘Enabling the positive use of Artificial Intelligence for all’ a rally comprised with teachers and students were brought out from main campus of the university and surrounded the main streets of Dhanmondi area and ended at Daffodil Tower. After the rally, all participants joined the seminar at 71 Milonayoton of the university. Professor Dr. Md. Golam Mowla Choudhury, Controller of Examinations of DIU was present at the seminar as the chief guest while Professor Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser, Associate Professor of Institute of Information Technology (IIT) of Jahangirnagar University was present as the guest of honor. Professor Dr. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque, Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering was present at the program as special guest and the program was presided over by Md. Taslim Arefin, Associate Professor and Head, Department of ETE.
Addressing as chief guest Professor Dr. Md. Golam Mowla Choudhury said, we have to build ourselves as per the demand of new age in this fourth industrial revolution. No doubt that now we are living in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is depend on big data, information technology etc. So student should be skilled on these topics, he added.

Distinguished guests at the seminar on  ‘World Telecommunication & Information Society Day-2018’ organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) of Daffodil International University (DIU). held today on 17 May, 2018 at 71 Milonayoton of the University.

Professor Golam Mowla also said that Daffodil International University is always concerned to build their students as per the demand of new age. That’s why the university always updates it’s course curriculums as international standard not only the ETE department but also all departments.
Professor Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser presented a paper on the seminar titled ‘SDN, NFV & Road to 5G’. While presenting the paper he said that now we are use 4G network but we will enter the area of 5G network by 2020. Facing to 5G networks we have to prepare ourselves. For this we have to learn technological knowledge besides the development of infrastructure.
Professor Dr. M. Shamim Kaiser also said, the job market of information technology is open not only in Bangladesh but also all around the world. For this it is necessary to make ourselves as skilled. We should make ourselves as per our interest. If we can do this then job will follow us.
It may be mentioned here that Institute of Telecommunication Union (ITU), a sub organization of United Nation celebrates the World Telecommunication & Information Society Day on 17 May in every year in it’s 193 member countries.