Daffodil International University made a collaboration with University of Palestine

Campus Event
National Mar 06, 2013 Hit: 5

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Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University is seen to discuss with Dr. Salim Sabbah, President of the University of Palestine regarding establishing and developing a close partnership to promote academic and cultural exchanges, specially, in the areas of teaching and research.


To establish and develop a close partnership to promote academic and cultural exchanges, specially, in the areas of teaching and research, Daffodil International University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on collaboration and exchange program with the University of Palestine on March 05, 2013at university conference room. Professor Dr. M Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University and Dr. Salim Sabbah, President of the University of Palestine signed the MoU on behalf of their respective organization.

The MoU was signed while a three member delegation led by Dr. Salim Sabbah, President of the University of Palestine visited Daffodil International University on 5 March 2013 and held a discussion with the top management of Daffodil International University. The other members of the team are Dr. Yaser Qudaih, Assistant Professor, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan (from Palestine) and Ms. Narima Amin. CEO, Global Social Business Partners (GSBP), Seattle Washington USA

Dr. Amunul Islam, Emeritus Professor, Prof. Dr. M. Mizanur Rahman, Treasurer, Prof. Dr. Zakir Hossain, Director of Studies, Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Registrar, Mr. Syed Mizanur Rahman Raju, Director (Student Affairs), Mr. Masud Ibn Rahman, Head, Social Business Cell along with the Social Business Students Forum DIU and Social Business Cell members of Daffodil International University were present at the MoU signing ceremony.  

The delegation was given a glimpse of presentation on DIU and its activities. Mr. Masud Ibn Rahman Head Social Business Cell oriented DIU social business endeavor of the Cell as well as the Social Business Students Forum. Then Dr. Salim spoke about the University of Palestine and attended the question and answer session. Ms. Narima Amin gave presentation of the institution of social business and the Social Business Ecotourism Project.