Daffodil International University hosts Discussion on “Grassroots Football Development in Bangladesh: A Path to Success”

Campus Event
National Oct 22, 2024 Hit: 87

Physical Education and Sports Science Department of Daffodil International University organized a discussion session on “Grassroots Football Development in Bangladesh: A path success today on October21, 2024 at Professor Aminul Islam Auditorium of the university. Former Football player of Bangladesh National Team was present as keynote speaker. Prof. Dr. Md. Belal Ahmed, Dean, Faculty of Health and Life Science presided over the program. Faruqul Islam, National Director, Bangladesh Special Olympic Association & Vice President of Bangladesh Athletics Association, Begum Nasrin, Director (In-Charge) of Physical Education Department of Jahangirnagar University and Professor Dr. A B M Kamal Pasha, Advisor, DIU Sports and Games were present as the special guests. The discussion session was also addressed by Prof. Abdur Rahim, Head, Department of Agricultural Science, Prof. Dr. Md. Sohel, Head , Department of Physical Education and Sports Science.

While addressing as the keynote speaker Shaikh Mohammad Aslam said, that it is possible to build a good country and a good society if we focus on sports. We have many talented players in our country, they should be given opportunities to develop. It is very important to organize a hunting program to select footballers from the marginal stage for the development of football in our country. He said that it is possible to lift our country from the fragile state of football in the country only if our universities can be activated.

Later on a friendly Football Match took place between Jahangirnagar University and Daffodil International University.