Daffodil International University hosts “18th Asian University Presidents Forum 2019” in Bangladesh

Campus Event
National Dec 02, 2019 Hit: 5



Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education, Professor Dr. Abdul Mannan Choudhury, Vice Chairman, Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB) and Dr. Md. Sabur Khan,Standing Committee Member of AUPF & Chairman, Daffodil International University  along the participants of 18th Asian University Presidents Forum 2019 (AUPF 2019) at the opening ceremony hosted by Daffodil International University in collaboration with  Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB)  


Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education inaugurated “18th Asian University Presidents Forum 2019” today on November 23, 2019 at Radisson Blu Water Garden Dhaka. Daffodil International University (DIU) in collaboration with Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB) is organizing this “18th Asian University Presidents Forum 2019” for the first time in Bangladesh during November 22-24, 2019. Mr. Sheikh Kabir Hossain, Chairman, Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB) was present as the special guest at the opening ceremony.

Mr. Baybars Altuntas, Chairman, World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF), Turkey will presented the Keynote Speech of AUPF 2019 on the theme “Future of Entrepreneurship Education and Experiential Learning: Determinants of Developing Successful Entrepreneurial Eco-System in Asian Economies”.
The opening ceremony was also addressed by Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, Dr, Jekuk Chang, President, Dongseo University, South Korea, and Professor Dr. S M Mahabub- Ul- Haque Majumder, Convener, AUPF 2019 and Pro Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University.    

 A total of 150 Presidents, Rectors and Vice Chancellors from 40 universities from Asian 15 countries including Bangladesh are participating in the AUPF 2019 in Dhaka. The ree day conference includes Paper Presentation, Pannel Discussion, MoU Signing Ceremony, Standing Committee Meeting and finally handing over the AUPF flag to the next host.  


Dr. Dipu Moni, MP, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Education hands over a memento to  the Keynote Speech of AUPF 2019 Mr. Baybars Altuntas, Chairman, World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF), Turkey

While addressing as the chief guest Dr. Dipu Moni, MP said that as AUPF-2019 is holding in Bangladesh for the first time so it will create a great opportunity for our universities to exchange knowledge among other universities of the Asian countries. She gave thanked Daffodil International University for arranging this prestigious event.
Dr. Dipu Moni also said, we have to build our universities as per demand of the global purpose. But it’s a matter of regret that our universities cannot provide skilled candidate as per requirement of Industries. Industry personnel always blame that they do not find skilled employee. So, we have to take immediate initiative to solve this problem and to solve the problem we should increase collaboration and bridging between academy and industry.

Dr. Dipu Moni stressed that Bangladesh is now enjoying demographic dividend. If we want to use this opportunity properly, we have to build our young generation as entrepreneurs.

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan said that more than hundred private universities are now operating in Bangladesh and we have 50 plus public universities. So, no doubt that there is a revolution occurring in the education sector of Bangladesh. Now we should give emphasis on quality education. AUPF is working on the quality education. Daffodil International University is feeling proud to arranging this mega event for the first time in Bangladesh.  He added.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan also said that Daffodil International University has taken lots of initiatives to create new young entrepreneurs. Daffodil university has launched Innovation & Entrepreneurship Department for first time in Bangladesh.He also said  Daffodil International University is  also providing scholarship up to 100 percent for those students who want to be an entrepreneurs and pointed out various entrepreneurial activities of Daffodil International University through multimedia presentation.


Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah, Chairman of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC) was present at the closing ceremony of 18th AUPF-2019 as the chief guest. Presided over by Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, the program was also presented by Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor of Vellore Institute of Technology in India (VIT), Dr, Jekuk Chang, President, Dongseo University, South Korea, Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor of DIU, Professor Dr. S M Mahabub- Ul- HaqueMajumder, Convener, AUPF 2019 and Pro Vice Chancellor, DIU, various vice chancellor from different universities of Bangladesh, and a total of 150 Presidents, Rectors and Vice Chancellors from 40 universities fromAsian 15 countries.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan handed over the AUPF flag to Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor of Vellore Institute of Technology in India (VIT), the next hosting university of AUPF 2010. Beside this more than 100 MoU regarding student and faculty exchange, technology transfer, PhD scholarship and mutual cooperation have been signed among different universities. DIU BNCC troops paid Gueard of Honor to the guests and Bangladeshi culture has been played by All Star Daffodil of DIU.

Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah, Chairman of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC), Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, Dr, Jekuk Chang, President, Dongseo University, South Korea along with other distinguished guests hands over the AUPF flag to Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor of Vellore Institute of Technology in India (VIT)- next host of AUF-2020.

While addressing as the chief guest Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah said that the theme of AUPF-2019 is very time befitting. Because, without entrepreneurial education system, it’s not possible to create young entrepreneurs. At this moment, Bangladesh needs a lot of young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can create lot of employment. Economy can be developed through entrepreneurs. Finally the life standard will be increased. So, we need huge entrepreneurs, he added. He thanked Daffodil International University to arrange this kind of international program.
Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah also said that Daffodil University has been playing a vital role to create young entrepreneurs. Other universities should follow Daffodil for learning entrepreneurial education. In the meantime he also praised to the permanent campus of DIU.
Dr. Md. Sabur Khan gave thanks to AUPF committee to give opportunity for arranging 18th AUPF-2019. He said, Daffodil International University is feeling proud to arrange this program. In the meantime he wishes to the next host of AUPF.
It may mentioned that the 18th AUPF-2019 was jointly hosted by Daffodil International University and Association of Private University, Bangladesh (APUB) on 22 November 2019. Dr. Dipu Moni, Education Minister of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was formally inaugurated the program on 23 November 2019 at Radison Blu Water Garden as the chief guest while Me. Baybars Altuntas, Chairman, World Business

Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah, Chairman of University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC), Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, Dr, Jekuk Chang, President, Dongseo University, South Korea along with other distinguished guests at the closing ceremony of AUPF-2019 AT DIU Permanent campus.

AUPF provides a platform for networking and discussing the way forward on challenges facing the education sector. The Asian University Presidents Forum originated from a friendly collaboration beginning in December 1999 between institutions of higher learning in China and Thailand  in order to establish a mechanism through which university presidents from China and Thailand could frequently exchange information and management experience, Guangdong University of  Foreign Studies, Chaoshan College, Srinakharinwirot University and Siamese Univeristy of Thailand jointly put forward a proposal to establish a conference for development of Sino-Thai higher education institutions. The proposed conference is held annually and would seek expansion to include university presidents throughout Asia.

Daffodil International University joined AUPF in 2010 and Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees of DIU is now one of the Standing Committee Members of AUPF.