Daffodil International University hosted ICCIT- 2014

Campus Event
National Dec 27, 2014 Hit: 5


Two day long 17th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) 2014 held on December 22-23, 2014 at Daffodil International University in the lush green campus of the university at Asulia, Savar, Dhaka. This year ICCIT-2014 is powered by Robi under the platinum sponsorship of Robi Axiata Limited and supported by Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT.

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Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh addressing as the chief guest at the inaugural ceremony of ICCIT 2014.

Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, MP Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh inaugurated the conference as the Chief Guest on December 22, 2014. Mr. Shyam Sunder Sikder, Secretary, ICT Division of Ministry of Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology was present as the Special Guestat the inaugural ceremony.

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Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University delivering his preseidential address at the inaugural ceremony of the ICCIT-2014

Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University presided over the program. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University delivered the address of welcome. The inaugural program was also addressed by Professor Mohammad S. Alam, University of South Alabama, USA as the Co-Chair of the program committee, Prof. Dr. Syed Akhtar Hossain, Organizing Chair and Head Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering and Mr. Manzur Rahman, Head of Digital Service, Robi Axiata Limited.

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Distinguished guests, author, researchers at ICCIT-2014 

Addressing as the chief guest in the opening ceremony ICT State Minister Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP said, “we need to patronize the young merits to achieve the dream of digital bangladesh so does the vision 2021. iccit, the event is such a platform to experience the best in ICT innovation and the opportunity to share with world delegates. need to mention that daffodil international university is digital university of our country and they are planning to established a ICT incubator in its permanent campus in Ashulia, and today I am happy to announce that Bangladesh Government will help DIU to transform this plan into fact- said state Minister while he was addressing the audience at the inaugural ceremony of ICCIT 2014.’’

Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan addressing at the closing ceremony of ICCIT 2014

Education Secretary Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of ICCIT 2014

The main theme of ICCIT 2014 is “ICCIT for Innovation”. This year ICCIT is partnered by renowned foreign universities of European Union; Amity University and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), India. Alongside the academic partners, as industry partner Bangladesh Computer Society (BCS), Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), CTO Forum Bangladesh, Bangladesh Electronic Society (BES) and Bangladesh Women in IT (BWIT) joined ICCIT 2014 to leverage industry academy dialogue.

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Mr. Supon Weerasinghee, Managing Director& Chief Executive Officer, Robi Axiata Ltd.addressing the closing ceremony as the special guest.

Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan, Secretary, Ministry of Education, Government of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was present as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of the ICCIT 2014. Presided over by Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees and Chief Patron of ICCIT 2014, Mr. Supon Weerasinghee, Managing Director& Chief Executive Officer, Robi Axiata Ltd. graced the occassion as special guest. The closing ceremony was also addressed by Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University, Professor Mathew Turk, University of Calefornia, USA, Professor Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Organizing Chair & Head, Department of CSE, DIU, Group Captain Afzal Hossain of MIST,Prof. Sharif Hossain of Jahangirnagar University.

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Professor Mathew Turk, University of Calefornia, USA, conducting a session at ICCIT 2014
Addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony Education Secretary Mr. Nazrul Islam Khan said, Bangladesh will be a developed country within 20141 and the young talented technologists will be the frontier of that achievement. He urged the participating educationists, researchers, technologists and ICT Experts to come forward to contribute to the development of the country with their innovation and creative ideas. Urging the students to be a patriotic citizen of the country, he said, to love the country is to love myself and if we could uplift me in a big position that will be done something for the country.

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Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University handing over a Crest of ICCIT 2014 to Mr. Supon Weerasinghee, Managing Director& Chief Executive Officer, Robi Axiata Ltd.

This year a total of 367 original research papers were submitted at ICCIT 2014 from 28 countries through conference management system. It is the record number of submissions from different countries in such international conference for the first time in Bangladesh. All these research papers were reviewed by more than 100 reviewers from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, India, Bangladesh, Fiji, China, Malaysia and Srilanka. The review was managed by Professor Mohammad Ataul Karim, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, USA as International Program Committee Chair and Professor Mohammad S. Alam, University of South Alabama, USA as the Co-Chair of the program committee. After successful review of papers, out of 367 submissions, a total of 100 papers received acceptance for oral presentation at ICCIT 2014 during 22-23 December, 2014 with a record acceptance rate 27% which is the lowest ever in the region. These 100 accepted papers are from 9 countries with 84% acceptance from Bangladesh.
In ICCIT 2014, four keynote speeches and 5 technical talks will be delivered by Professor Matthew Turk from University of California, USA; Professor Hongnian Yu from Bournemouth University, UK; Professor Tarek M Sobh from University of Bridgeport, USA; Professor Muhammad H. Rashid from University of West Florida, USA and technical talks from Professor Balvinder Shukla and Professor Sunil Kumar Khatri from Amity University, India; Dr. Anis Haque from University of Calgary, Canada; Dr. Ikuhisa Mitsugami from Osaka University, Japan and Dr. Emdad Ahmed from Winano State University, USA.

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Prof. Dr. m. Golam Rahman, Pro- vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University conducting a session on Women in IT at ICCIT 2014 

In this two day long prestigious international conference of 22-23 December 2014, broad assortments of technical program including game camps, competitive learning sessions, mobile apps forum, and different workshops were planned. Immediate after the inauguration and plenary session, an industry academy round table was held on “Future of ICT in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges” in presence of industry, academy and government.
Professor Matthew Turk conducted a scientific research workshop on Mobile Vision on 22 December 2014, the next generation technological development. Dr. Anis Haque of University of Calgary conducted another technical workshop on K12 Science and Engineering Education on 23 December 2014.
From Industry, Robi Axiata Limited setup an experience center on the venue for the interactive participations. Besides, Robi also conducted a technical session on the emerging platform for the young talented minds to dive into the next generation mobile apps development.

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Emeritus Professor Dr. Aminul Islam conducting a session at ICCIT 2014

IEEE Bangladesh section gave presentation on activities of IEEE in Bangladesh. A mini seminar will be conducted by Bangladesh Women in IT (BWIT) and Bangladesh Women in Engineering (BWE). Mobile Monday was organized by BASIS. Bangladesh Association of Problem Setters (BAPS) conducted a competitive learning session and BOT contest for the participants. CTO Forum Bangladesh also conducted a seminar along with the ISP Association of Bangladesh.
In ICCIT 2014, there were best paper awards with the name Dr. Fatema Rashid Best Paper, IEEE Bangladesh Section best paper and other best paper awards based on oral presentations in the conference.
This was declared in the closing ceremony that Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) will host ICCIT 2015 and Jahangirnagar University will host ICCIT 2016.