Daffodil International University has been affiliated with University of Minnesota,USA

Campus Event
National Dec 07, 2016 Hit: 3




Prof. Dr. MSA Mansur Ahmed Dept. of Public Health is seen with Deanacting Dr.Beth A. Virnig and Joe Weisenburger CAOSchool of Public Health University of Minnesota USA

Prof. Dr. MSA Mansur Ahmed, Dept. of Public Health,  is seen  with Dean (acting) Dr.Beth A. Virnig and Joe Weisenburger, CAO,School of Public Health, University of Minnesota ,USA.

Daffodil international University has been affiliated with University of Minnesota, USA. On the 2nd November 2016 an “AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE” between Regents of the University of Minnesota by and through its Academic HealthCenter’s School of Public Health, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United Sates of America and Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh has been signed by both the organizations. University of Minnesota is the 9th US Public research institution, and 29th best global university (U.S. News and World Report).

The areas of cooperation and exchange may include, but not limited to:
01. Exchange of faculty member;
02. Exchange of students;
03. Joint research activities;
04. Exchange of research results, academic publications and other academic information and
05. Organization of joint conference and symposia.
Purpose of the agreement: to establish reciprocal exchange and corporative activities and programs as may be beneficial and acceptable to both institutions of higher learning,
The agreement was an end result of the visit of Prof. Dr. M. S. A. Mansur Ahmed, Professor, Dept. of Public Health, DIU during early July 2016 to university of Minnesota, while he met with different important personnel including Dean of the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Division Head of Epidemiology, Director, Center for Global Health & Social Responsibility, Director Alumni Relations, Chief of Staff, Global Programs and Strategy Alliance, Chief Administrative Officer /Chief Financial Officer and some other related officers of University of Minnesota. The whole process was facilitated by Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Honorable Chairman of Board of Trustees, DIU, Prof. Yusuf M Islam, Honorable Vice Chancellor, DIU and Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director International Affairs, DIU,.