Daffodil International University (DIU) Tourism students get Paid Internship opportunity in China

Campus Event
National Sep 06, 2018 Hit: 5

Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University, Fazle Rabbi Rumon, CEO of Phoenix Consultancy and Ms. Bijoya Anand, Proprietor of Phoenix Consultancy along with distinguished guests and participants at the seminar on “Paid Internship at five star hotels in China by phoenix Consultancy Center” organized by Tourism and Hospitality Management Department.


Students of Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Daffodil International University will get the opportunity to complete paid internship at five star hotels in China with the collaboration of Hainan College of Vacation. In this regard, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Daffodil International University Organized a seminar on Paid Internship at five star hotels in China by phoenix Consultancy Center with the collaboration of Hainan College of vacation today on 6 September 2018 at Daffodil International University. Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University  was present at the seminar as chief guest while Fazle Rabbi Rumon, CEO of Phoenix Consultancy and Ms. Bijoya Anand, Proprietor of Phoenix Consultancy conducted the seminar as resource person. Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Director of International Affairs, DIU, Mr. Abu Taher Khan, Director of Career Development Center(CDC), Mahbub Parvez, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Managementand faculty members were also present at the seminar.
Addressing as chief guest Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam said, for ensuring the quality education and maintaining international standards, Daffodil international University always committed to provide quality teaching, training, skill development programs, and quality internship placement. In this regards Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Organized this Paid Internship program at five star hotels in China for their students. He expressed his hope that students will be benefited through this program and would get opportunity for flourish their expertise  in this sector.
It may be noted that students will avail the opportunity to intern in international chain five star hotels and resorts for one year by this internship program.  Besides this the Hainan College of vocation will provide a one year language course which will uplift the students’ career.