Daffodil International University Debating Club became Runner up in Inter University Debate Competition-2012

Campus Event
National Nov 10, 2012 Hit: 5

Daffodil International University Debating Club became Runner up in Inter University Debate Competition-2012


Daffodil International University debating Club became Runner Up in Inter University Debate Competition -2012 organized by Jahangirnagar University Debating Society (JUDS) held during 15-18th March 2012 at Jahangirnagor University Auditorium.

Based in the slogan “Amader Prithibi Amader Proash, Qudhamukto Subuja Nicchite Boshobas” the Jahangirnagor University Debating Society (JUDS) Organized the Inter University Debate Competition-2012. Twenty four public and Private Universities participated at this competition where Daffodil International University became Runner up and University of Dhaka became Champion. The theme of the final round was “Food Security”.

DIU Debating Club team comprised with

Jayanta Bhowmik ---- Dept. of ETE

Amlan Kishore Moon ---- BBA Program

Jayanta Karmaker --- Dept. of JMC

The final round and prize giving ceremony was held at Muktomuncho of Jahangirnagor University where Professor Dr. Sharrif Enamul Kabir, Vice Chancellor of Jahangirnagor University was present as the Chief Guest. Mr. Abdur Nur Tushir, President, Bangladesh Debate Federation was present as special guest. Mr. Shahidur Rahman Rumal, Action Aid and Mr. Shahanawaj Kabir, Technical Head, Jahangirnagor University Debating Club (JUDS) also spoke at the occasion. At the end of the competition the award was distributed both of the Runner up and Champion team.


The members of DIU Debating Club met with Hon'ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman after their great victory. Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Registrar and Mr. Muhammed Rashedul Hasan, Moderator and other members of DIU Debate Club were also present during their visit.