Daffodil International University becomes Runner Up in National Energy Hackathon- 2017

Campus Event
National Apr 23, 2017 Hit: 3


Receiving award


Members of DIU team “Sun-Beam” consists of six students of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ( EEE) department of Daffodil International University receiving 1st Runners-up prize in the ‘Power and energy crisis in the Industry sector’ category at National Energy Hackathon-2017


DIU team “Sun-Beam” consists of six students of Electrical and Electronic Engineering ( EEE) department of Daffodil International University has won 1st Runners-up prize in the ‘Power and energy crisis in the Industry sector’ category at National Energy Hackathon-2017, organized and patronized by Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of Government of Bangladesh held on 19-20 April comprising 36 hours Hackathon along with several keynote and mentoring sessions at Bashundhara Convention Center, Dhaka.
Mr. Nasrul Hamid, MP, State Minister, Ministry of Power,Energy and Mineral Resources, Government of the Pepople’s Republic of Banbgladesh handed over the Runner Up winning Trophy to the members of Sun-Beam team of EEE department of Daffodil International University. The team members of DIU ‘Sun-Beam’ are Sharif Miah, Feroz Hossain, Shahidul Islam, Tanzim, Mostafizur Hossain and Marzan of EEE Department.

EEE Students National Hackathon

Members of DIU team “Sun-Beam” at organized and patronized by Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources of Government of Bangladesh

DIU team “Sun-Beam” has competed against around 200 teams from different universities and organizations and was adjudged as the 1st Runners-up in the Industrial Sector Category. The team has participated with two innovative project concepts and demonstrated prototype in two categories in the event. The winning project idea is to mitigate the energy crisis in large and medium-scale industries facing scarcity of fuel (Natural Gas) by devising and modifying a novel technique of consistent Steam generation using Solar-Thermal Energy phenomenon. The prototype comprises electrical and mechanical control systems to regulate solar irradiation for generating heated steam and also solar power based DC load supportive system. Another project idea is to design and implement a Hybrid Grid using basic Power Electronic converter schemes for electricity supply in rural and coastal regions of the country.

The event has been attended by several distinguished personnel, academicians and technical experts. The students have to go through the initial selection process of idea evaluation and multiple stage assessment process during the venture. The entire work has been supervised and mentored by the department of EEE with an apprehensive financial support from the administration of Daffodil International University.
It is noteworthy that the six students have recently designed and developed a line integrated highly efficient and efficacious emergency power supply for consumer UPS-IPS systems (230 V, 30 minutes back-up time-tested by Daffodil Computers Ltd.). This project has been proposed by the Honorable Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University. Moreover, these students are engaged in different research projects in the fields of Automation, Control systems, Power Electronics and Energy systems.