Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group hold “Scouts’ Own and Iftar Mahfil”

Campus Event
National Jul 13, 2015 Hit: 4


Mr. Mohammad Atiquzzaman, Deputy International Commissioner of Bangladesh Scouts addressing as the chief guest at the Scouts’ Own and Annual Iftar Mahfil organized by Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group.

Daffodil International University Air Rover Scout Group organized Scouts’ Own and Annual Iftar Mahfil on 11th July 2015 at DIU Auditorium. Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University and president, DIU Air Rover Scout Group presided over the program. Mohammad Atiquzzaman, Deputy International Commissioner of Bangladesh Scouts was present at the program as the chief guest where. The program was addressed by Mr. Shamim Sharif, Flight Lieutenant, Bangladesh Air Force, Md. Anowar Habib Kazal, Senior Assistant Director (Public Relations), Daffodil International University, Ziaul Haque Sumon, Former Secretary, DIU Air Rover Scout Group, Md. Shaiful Islam Khan, Public Relations Officer, DIU and Rover Scout Leader, DIU Air Rover Scout Group.
Addressing as the chief guest Mohammad Atiquzzaman, said, Scouting can play a vital role in developing career and building character of a student though which students can practice of becoming a successful leader and contribute a lot to the society. He also said, introducing Rover Movement at the university, Daffodil International University has set an example to be followed by other private universities. He urged the students to be more active and participative in rover movement.


Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of Daffodil International University and president DIU Air Rover Scout Group addressing at the Scout's Own and Annual Ifter Party 

In his Presidential address, Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman said, Scouting teaches the rovers how to lead a disciplined life and help to grow leadership. He urged the Rovers to follow and abide by the rules of Scout Motto which will help them to build themselves as a complete human being and inspire them to serve to mankind. He also said, introducing Rover Movement at the university, Daffodil International University has set an example to be followed by other private universities.
Including former and current around 100 Air Rover members attended the program.