Curtain of “DIU Job Utsob 2023” has come down at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Nov 27, 2023 Hit: 35

ICT Division Secretary Shamsul Arefin is addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of DIU Job Utsab 2023.

ICT Division Secretary Shamsul Arefin is addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of DIU Job Utsab 2023.

“One of the main objectives of higher education is to contribute to the national economy by producing skilled and qualified human resources who are employable and can gainfully be hired by the corporate and development sectors. With this aim, Career Development Center of Daffodil International University organized a Big Bang Career Events “DIU Job Utshab 2023” based on the theme ‘ Connecting Talents: Unlock the Bordr of Opportunities’ for the second time from 24 to 25 November 2023 at Daffodil Smart City, Ashulia Savar, Dhaka.

Mr. Shamsul Arefin, Secretary, ICT Division, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh  was present as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of DIU Job Utsab 2023 today (November 25). Prof. Dr. S M Mahbub Ul Haque Mazumder, Pro Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University presided over the program. The closing ceremony was addressed by Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Daffodil International University, Profesor Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Dean, Academic Affairs, Dr. Mohammad Nuruzzaman, Group CEO of Daffodil Family, Mr. Asad Uz Zaman, Strategy and Innovation Specialist and Mr. Mamunur Rashid Bhuyan, Project Director of Aspiration to Innovation a2i project of the government and Dr. Tanvir Fittin Abir, Director, Career Development Center.   

Employers from 200 organizations participated at the Job Festival with about 3,000 jobs and about 1,000 internship offers. In this two-day job festival, at least 4,200 job seekers who have completed their last year or recently graduated from various departments of the university are participating for grab the career opportunity. The event featured 20400 students self-assessment training, on-campus training, internships, job transitions, employment skills testing and networking opportunities with alumni and various organizations. The partners of the event were AMCHAM, DCCI, BASIS, BCS, BACCO, e CAB, BSHRM, CTO Forum Bangladesh, HR Club and learning partners were Go edu, HRDI and 

While addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony ICT Secretary Shamsul Arefin said

that our students should acquire the skills and human qualities, as well as equipped with latest technologies to build them as smart citizens as well as global citizens. In this age of globalization, technology and technical skills as well as soft skills are the main drivers of the current job market, he said. In addition to education to face the challenges of the 21st century, emphasized on the importance of students' acquisition of these skills is also important, he He added.

Highlighting various development activities undertaken by the current government to make our young generation smart citizens, he said, the current government has launched the Sheikh Russell Digital Lab in every primary school, high school, college and universities in the country. More over government has established IT parks throughout the country. To gear up the entrepreneurs and startups government has established the Sheikh Kamal Innovation Lab, launched the Bangabandhu Innovation Grant and introduced Venture Capital.

He urged the students to acquire technology and technical skills, as well as soft skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century’s job market in this age of globalization.