Celebration of “The World Telecommunication Day and Information Society” at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Jun 10, 2014 Hit: 5

The Department of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) of Daffodil International University celebrated “The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day” on 7th June, 2014.


Professor Dr. M Shamsul Alam, the Dean, Faculty of Engineering visiting Project exhibition on the occasion of  the “The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day”

To mark the day the department chalked out a day long program including Project Exhibition, Project comepetition, debate Competition and Tele Olympiad. The day long Program was inaugurated by Professor Dr. M Shamsul Alam, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, DIU. Professor Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Head, Department of ETE and all other faculty members of the same Department were present at the program. A Project Exhibition and competition was held where the students of ETE participated with their innovative projects. Regarding this celebration, an intra-department Debate competition was arranged among the students of different semesters. Besides these, a Telequiz competition was also held. Professor Dr. A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, Head, Department of ETE distributed the prizes among the Champion and Runners up team of Debate competition, and also 1st three winners of Project Exhibition and Telequiz at the closing ceremony.