Career Development Center holds Career Grooming Session on "Career Road Map" at DIU Permanent (Ashulia) and Uttara Campus

Campus Event
National Apr 04, 2015 Hit: 4


The Career Grooming Session on "Career Road Map" program for the students of Daffodil International University was held at the Permanent Campus (Ashulia) & Uttara campus on March 28, 2015 (Saturday).
Dr. Nazrul Islam was present as a special guest during the session. Mr. Syed Maruf Reza, Director, Md. Shumsud Doha, Asst. Director, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Admin Officer, Career Development Center, faculty members and Admin Officers of Permanent Campus were also present at the event.
At Uttara Campus, a good no. of participant’s were present along with Mr. Anil Chandra Paul, Director Of Uttara Campus.

The Keynote Speaker Syed Maruf Reza Shred lots of things about the career matter and how to shape a good career with the participants. He provided so many tips and techniques regarding career. They inspired the participants through their speech and various types of images and video were shown to participants.


Mr. Syed Maruf Reza, Director,CDC is seen to conduct  the Career Grooming Session on "Career Road Map" 

Nearly 140 students at Permanent Campus & about 30 students were attended in the seminar respectively and gathered real and practical theory shaping Career through developing personal branding; which will be a unique identity of our graduates to cope in the job and career field.