BBA students visited Q Pail Limited as a part of Industry Tour

Campus Event
National Apr 07, 2016 Hit: 3


bba visit

Students pose for a photograph in front of Q Pail Limited

Students ​can ​gather knowledge & information on ​​entrepreneurship​ & other related area from Industry Visit which will help them develop self confidence & step forward on their career. To achieve this objective, A team of 45 BBA students visited Q Pail Limited on 06-04-16 under the supervision and guidence of Mr. Abu Taher, PD, IIC, DIU & Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Adminsitration, Convener, Industry Visit & Coordinator, IIC, DIU.Mr. Syed Nasir, Managing Director, Q Pail Limited welcome the team during their visit