AIT Extension Team paid a day long visit at IQAC of Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Jun 04, 2017 Hit: 4


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Mr. Md. Sabur Khan, Hon’ble Chairman, BoT, Daffodil International University hands over a memento to Mr. Vorvate Chonlasin, Senior Program Specialist and Head, Public Sector Capacity Building (PSCB) of AIT Extension during his visit to  Daffodil International University, 



Mr. Vorvate Chonlasin, Senior Program Specialist and Head, Public Sector Capacity Building (PSCB) of AIT Extension along with Mr. Sufian Etea, Program officer, PSCB, AIT Extension visited Office of the IQAC, DIU on 27 May, 2017. At the meeting, Director, IQAC, DIU, Professor Dr. Md. Fokhray Hossain, Additional Director, Dr. Sk. Abdul Kader Arafin and Mr. Nafees Imtiaz Islam, Office Manager, IQAC, DIU were present and they have discussed on various issues, relating to the quality of education as the role of IQAC, functions and working sphere of National Accreditation Council of Bangladesh, development process of tertiary level of education in Bangladesh, mechanisms of education management like OBTL, course curriculum development, effective peer reviewing process,Bloom's Taxonomy of learning domainsetc.

The AIT team spontaneously interacts with the officials of IQAC and the meeting was a fruitful one as they have discusses diverse areas of education management and covers all related issues. Mr.Vorvate shared his long experience at AIT as a successful education practisioner. While discussing peer review process, he pointed out the collection of data on weak part of the respondents, more vigorously. Regarding Outcome based curriculum, he clearly told the meeting that outcome based activities should not be the construction of a good paper work rather it should focus on delivering coaching on how to translate of objectives towards outcome based learning.He also suggested IQAC team to start ranking as ‘champions’ among SA departments under the criteria of formulating effective lesson plan; use of indirect teaching methodology; andsharing outcome based learning. Besides, he also stressed on devising proper monitoring of this activity. The overall outcome must be disseminated among stakeholders for sharing the success and for using as guided activities. As Director, IQAC, DIU shared the Sri Lankan educational experience, Mr. Vorvate informed the meeting about innovation index, started in Asia. Mr. Vorvatehope to see DIU as one of the forerunners in education drivers in Bangladesh. Additional Director, IQAC also shared his views with them on IQAC peripheral.
Addressing the probable strategic cooperation from AIT extension, Mr. Vorvate told that he will discuss the issue with the AIT officials who are engaged in policy making regarding the issue. He stressed on the probable cooperation like course mentoring, follow-up, reviewing the outcomes of SA departments of IQAC, DIU.
Alternatively, he also suggests that AIT Extension can help DIU in preparing paper work, assist in preparing modules, assignment reviewing etc. Considering preparing lesson plan, he advises 18 credit hours’ would be appropriate to get familiar of learning objectives, adaptation of innovative techniques, in a single semester by the faculty members, followed by a 1.5 hours for review where faculty members need to present the lesson plan before trainers or Professors. In this process, AIT extension may help them. He also addresses the issue that ‘learning objectives’ should be accompanied before designing ‘contents’ which has been practices by AIT academicians.


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Mr. Vorvate Chonlasin, Senior Program Specialist and Head, Public Sector Capacity Building (PSCB) of AIT Extension pose for a photograph with Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubuul Islam,Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, DIU at his office during his courtesy visit.  


Mr. Vorvate expresses his willingness to work with DIU for doing research through exchanging students and faculty members and researchers on board. He also told in his probable plan to send 3 or 4 students for conducting collaborative research with specific topic. He also asked IQAC officials on internship requirements and fee model for international student under exchange program of DIU. Mr. Vorvate expressed the future scope to tag into the exchange program. Director and Additional Director of IQAC, DIU have informed them regarding different activities and initiatives of DIU in higher education management and seek the strategic assistance from AIT to work in collaboration, in different arena of higher education management which shall improve the overall quality in tertiary level of education.
Later on, AIT Extension team also called on Hon’ble Chairman, BoT, DIU, Mr. Md. Sabur Khan and Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, DIU, Professor Dr. Yousuf Mahbubuul Islam and exchanged their views on inclusive views on education management with them.