A Delegation of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department of DIU attends 10th session of The Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers held in Dhaka

Campus Event
National Feb 06, 2018 Hit: 5


An Academic delegation comprising of faculty members and students from the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Daffodil International University at the 10th session of The Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka today. 


An Academic delegation comprising of faculty members and students from the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management of Daffodil International University   attended 10th session of The Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers held at Pan Pacific Sonargaon Hotel, Dhaka which was inaugurated by Honorable Prime Minister of the Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh H.E Sheikh Hasina as Chief Guest.

Mr. Muhammad Faruk KhanMP, Honorable Chairman, Parliamentary Standing committee on Ministry of civil aviation and Tourism, Mr. Md. ShahriarAlamMPState Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Bangladesh were present as Special Guests. Mr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen, Honorable Secretary General, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) adorn the chair as Guest of Honor.  

The Occasion was presided by Mr. A.K.M Shajahan KamalMP, HonorableMinister, Ministry of civil Aviation and Tourism, Government of the People’s Republic Of Bangladesh. All the Ministers of Tourism of OIC countries, Tourism stakeholders were present as delegate. In this High Profile conference Dhaka has been selected as the OIC city of Tourism 2019.

DIU Delegation has actively participated in the conference and the networking session to create and maintain integration among industry, educational institution, government bodies, foreign delegates and other stakeholders