38 students & 5 Faculty members of Daffodil International University get international scholarship

Campus Event
National Feb 09, 2017 Hit: 3

Caption 1 Youth Exchange Program Sri Lanka

A team of 11 members of Daffodil International University comprising Students and Faculty members pose for a photograph with Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam before leaving Dhaka to attend Bangladesh- Sri Lanka Youth Exchange Program 2017.

In last one month 38 Students & 5 Faculty members of Daffodil International University left Dhaka for learning and teaching in abroad under different scholarship programs like: Erasmus+, Mevlana Scholarship, Korean Government Scholarship as well as Student Exchange program. 2 student Fazle Rabby of Software Engineering (SWE) Department and Shermin Sadia of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) Department got a full free scholarship at Staffordshire University, England under “Erusmas + Scholarship Year 2017”.

Caption 2. Karabuk University Turkey1

8 students from different department of DIU received “Mevlana Scholarship Year 2017” at Karabuk University (KU), Turkey and before leaving Dhaka on February 06 they pose for a photograph with Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam.

8 students from different department of DIU received “Mevlana Scholarship Year 2017” at Karabuk University (KU), Turkey and left Dhaka on February 06, 2017 to study. This is a full free scholarship that will cover all expenses of the student for one semester. 6 students from Nutrition & Food Engineering (NFE) department of DIU are studying at Kasetsart University, Thailand as an Exchange Researcher for one semester as an Exchange Student.

9. Philipines

Mr. Md. Khaled Sohel Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering & Mr. Md. Ejaj-Ur-Rahman Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International University (DIU) pose for a photograph with Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam before their departure.


5 students from department of CSE & EEE of Daffodil International University (DIU) left Dhaka to study at VIT University, India under “Exchange Student” for one semester as an Exchange Student. 3 students from Entrepreneurship department of Daffodil International University (DIU) have been selected & got visa as exchange students at SIAS International University, China for Spring Semester-2017.


3. VIIT India

5 students from department of CSE & EEE of Daffodil International University (DIU) pose for a photograph with Honorable  Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam before their departure.

Mr. Md. Khaled Sohel Assistant Professor, Department of Software Engineering & Mr. Md. Ejaj-Ur-Rahman Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Daffodil International University (DIU) left Dhaka on 18 January 2017 to teach in Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) - Laguna, Philippines for One semester (Spring-2017) under Faculty Exchange Program between DIU and LPU.


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Fazle Rabby of Software Engineering (SWE) Department and Shermin Sadia of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) Department made a courtesy visit with Honorable Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam before their departure to UK.

Ms. Khadijatul Kobra, Khan Thouseef Osman and Sheikh Muhammad Rezwan faculty members of DIU left Dhaka in this month to teach Karabuk University, Turkey for One semester (Spring-2017) under Faculty Exchange Program of Mevlana Scholarship.

A team of 11 members from Daffodil International University, comprising students, faculty & officer are currently taking part in Bangladesh- Sri Lanka Youth Exchange Program 2017 for 2 weeks hosted by National Youth Services Council supported by Sri Lankan Government.The team will explore different places of Sri Lanka to get the cross cultural experiences with the youths of Sri Lanka.
2 students from BBA program of Daffodil International University (DIU) are currently taking part in Chungnam National University & Dongseo University, South Korea under “Student Exchange Program” for one semester as an Exchange Student.

Daffodil International University always recognizes & recommends the talent and excellence. Specifically, it extends its hand to the individuals who have made a positive contribution to the prestige influence and reputation of the University and have exercised and continue to exercise strong positive activities for the advancement of their career.
A team of 11 members of Daffodil International University comprising Students and Faculty members pose for a photograph with Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam before leaving Dhaka to attend Bangladesh- Sri Lanka Youth Exchange Program 2017.
8 students from different department of DIU received “Mevlana Scholarship Year 2017” at Karabuk University (KU), Turkey and before leaving Dhaka on February 06 they pose for a photograph with Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Yousuf M Islam,