32nd SAARC Charter Day observed at Daffodil International University

Campus Event
National Dec 08, 2016 Hit: 3



Mr. Muhammad Zamir, Former Ambassador and Chief Information Commissioner, People's Republic of Bangladesh addressing as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of 32nd SAARC Charter Day held today at Daffodil International University 

Department of Business Administration of Faculty of Business & Economics of Daffodil International University Observed 32nd SAARC Charter Day today on 8th December 2016 with gala events. To mark the day the department of Business Administration chalked out elaborate program including Essay Competition, Poster Competition, Quiz Competition, and Parliamentary Debate Competition among the students.

Mr. Muhammad Zamir Former Ambassador and Chief Information Commissioner

Mr. Muhammad Zamir, Former Ambassador and Chief Information Commissioner, People's Republic of Bangladesh distributing prizes among the winners of competitions organized in observance of 32nd SAARC Charter Day held today at Daffodil International University

Mr. Muhammad Zamir, Former Ambassador and Chief Information Commissioner, People's Republic of Bangladesh was present as chief guest in the closing ceremony of the program and distributed prizes among the winners held at DIU Auditorium. Professor Rafiqul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Business & Economics presided over the program. The function was also addressed by Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahboob Ali, Director, IQAC and Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Business Administration. Some 400 students participated in aforesaid competitions.

Winners of the competitions of 32nd SAARC Chartered Day along with Mr. Muhammad Zamir Former Amabassador and Chief Information Commissioner

The winners of different competitions organized in observance of 32nd SAARC Charter Day along with other distinguished guests 

While addressing as the chief guest Mr. Muhammad Zamir shared his long experience about SAARC and its development for the welfare of South Asian region and its potential role of regional collaboration with the diverse culture, geographic and diversity of the environment.