17 students of Daffodil International University attending Asia Summer Program 2015, Japan

Campus Event
National Jul 04, 2015 Hit: 5


17 students of Daffodil International University attending Asian Summer Program-2015, Japan  in a photo session with Prof. Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Engr. A K M Fazlul Haque, Registrar and Prof. Dr. Fokhray Hossain, Director, International Affairs before their departure.

An immense contingent of 17 students of Daffodil International University left for Japan onSunday, 5 July to attend Asia Summer Program-2015 (ASP) at Josai International University(JIU), Japan. The Program starts at July 7, 2015 and will continue up to 28, 2015 at the threedifferent campus of JIU: Togane, Awa and Sakado. The ASP is fully initiated and supported byAsian University Presidents Forum (AUPF). Students and teachers from all around the Asia from13 universities of 10 countries including Bangladesh are attending this summer program.Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice-Chancellor of Daffodil International Universitycongratulated the students before departing ASP-2015.

The program named Asia Summer Program (ASP) is a three week credit-based programoffering innovative prospect of Asia. It is designed as global get together in Japan Promoting GlocalExchange in Asia for the students, with the aim of building Cross-culture communication, Personalsoft skill development, Confidence building, Career enhancement as well as mutual friendshipamong the participating countries. Students will have the chance to adjust these two courseswhich are going to obtain at Japan with their regular courses. Participating students willexperience a highly international environment, allowing them to learn directly about the diversecultures of Asia.

To become more attractive for foreign students and researchers and to increase its appeal as aworld centre for excellence, DIU has joined its name in great initiative named “Asia SummerProgram” taken by the Josai International University (JIU), Japan.Last year an ever largest team of 38 DIU students and teachers attended the Asia SummerProgram-2014 in Malaysia. Daffodil International University Bangladesh always believes inInternationalization and cross cultural education. Keeping this spirit in mind DIU is extending itsactivities to worldwide and as a result this year attending Asia Summer Program withgreat enthusiasm.