Director of “Boomerang” Wahid Raj receiving the Best Film Award in Social section of 12th International Children’s Film Festival 2019
Short Film “Boomerang” got Best Film Award in Social section of 12th International Children’s Film Festival 2019. The short film was made by Wahid Raj, Udoy Ksllol Ridoy, Saurav Sarker, Nishat Tasnim Anika and Zakia Sultana Anandi. They are final year students of Multimedia and Creative Technology Department in Daffodil International University. The advisor of this short film was Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Allayear and it was supervised by Samaun Hasan. In this festival 179 films from 32 different countries were screened. Boomerang is a stop motion animation which features social awareness. The award was given on 08 March in Central Public Library. This award is a great achievement for both MCT Department and DIU.
Boomerang YouTube link: