IMG 1226

Students  along with their teachers of Tourism and Hospitality Management department of Daffodil International University visiting the archaeological site of Wari-Bateshwar

On April 3, 2016 the students of Tourism and Hospitality Management department of Daffodil International University visited the archaeological site of Wari-Bateshwar, Narshingdi. The ancient city is around 75 kilometers far away from Dhaka that is considered to be of great archaeological significance of back to 450 BC.
According to the Tour Guide, there are 51 blocks where the remains of the city are indentified around 20 x 20 kilometer area of Wari-Bateshwar, Nargsindi. Firstly, we visited the 38 no. block. This is only the block which is still digging to unearth the relics of the ancient city. We all took a look around the place with an inquisitive view. They saw how the people of 450 BC bricked up wonderfully the walls of monastery.
Then they paid visit the temporary museum of the places nearby of the place. In the museum, photographs of the remains of the city were kept hanging for the visitors. They all viewed the photographs very curiously. Besides, their Tour Guide delivered a short brief about the place. From him they come to know that roulette-ware, knobbed-ware, layered glass beads, monochrome glass beads, stone beads, gold-foil glass beads as well as vast quantity of coins are found there.

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Students  along with their teachers of Tourism and Hospitality Management department of Daffodil International University  pose fore a photograph at archaeological site of Wari-Bateshwar

After visiting the places, they went to the “Sonaimuri Binodon Park” near by the main road to Dhaka in Norshingdi. Entering the park, a photograph session was conducted. Then the students of 6th batch arranged a program for all. All of them enjoyed it very much. Really, it made them amused which helped them also to alleviate exhaustion from their mind and body.
In fine, it can be said that it was a wonderful tour for the students of Tourism and Hospitality Management. Visiting the place, they have gained the knowledge of historical facts of this archeological site. This will help them to enrich their practical knowledge on the subject matter and fulfill the part of their study.

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