DSC 0128

 Mr. Mahabub Parvez, Head of the Department and Mst. Khadijatul Kobra, Senior Lecturer of Tourism and Hospitality Management department along with the students in a phohto session at  the archaeological site of Wari-Bateshwar, Narshingdi


It is a well-known fact that tourism is a sector that can contribute to the economic growth of a region. Moreover, tourism produces social benefits to the local community. As a part of academic course curriculum with the purpose of integrating Community-Based Tourism with tourism education, the students of Tourism and Hospitality Management department of Daffodil International University recently visited the archaeological site of Wari-Bateshwar, Narshingdi. Under the supervision and guide of Mst. Khadijatul Kobra, Senior Lecturer of the department along with around 50 students joined this tour where Mr. Mahabub Parvez, Head of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management was present as the chief guest. The ancient city is around 75 kilometers far away from Dhaka that is considered to be of great archaeological significance of back to 450 BC.

To promote Community-Based Tourism the students let the community people to serve them with their local menus. The community people also displayed and sold their local handmade items and fruits. To contribute to the local environment the students also planted trees in the local school playground. Thus, this tour fulfilled the motive to gain the knowledge of historical facts and to make local people financially benefitted.

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